It’s time to 

express yourself.

We work with adults seeking self-expression, healthy coping, and self-care through creativity and connection. In music therapy, adults find validation, belonging and community.



Ideal for adults facing challenges related to autism, ADHD, trauma, chronic illness, and disabilities, as well as those without a formal diagnosis experiencing difficulties in family, work, or social settings. We welcome adults with formal diagnoses and those without.

Individual sessions offer :

  • Personalized attention and tailored music therapy interventions

  • Increased self-expression, emotional regulation, and interpersonal engagement

  • Self-care education (ie. learning healthy responses to big feelings, boundaries, coping skills, etc.)

  • A holistic approach that honors individual experiences and promotes overall well-being

Individual therapy is $125 per session. Sessions are 50 minutes in length.

Sliding scale available upon request.


We provide inclusive choir/band for adults aimed at increasing a sense of belonging and community.

Music therapy groups improve…

  • Social engagement

  • Healthy coping

  • Sense of belonging

  • Skill development

  • Increased self-confidence

Inclusive choir/band is aimed towards our community members with disabilities and differences. Sessions are 50 minutes and $30 per session.

Sliding scale available upon request & scholarship fund for groups available upon request.